Transform your projects with advanced mosaic and tile filters. Customize your grid, merge cells, and even animate textures for a unique look.

Advanced mosaic
and tile filter
for After Effects
Adaptive mosaic
MosaicArt splits image into a grid.
Neighbour cells can be merged into bigger cells with
Unite Tiles Iterations parameter.

Cells of the grid can be textured with any image, layer or composition.

MosaicArt can use multiframe compositions and randomly distribute frames over the grid.
Frames can be distributed:
Tile textures can be offseted, rotated and scaled.
All this parameters can be randomized.
Also cell texture can be looped for tiling offsets or scale.
Animate all parameters with Custom Layers.
Truchet tiles
Orient each tile texture randomly with 90 degree step.

Built-in Presets
Presets allow you to get insane results
in just a couple clicks.

Static Tile

Static Tile Adaptive

Static Circles

Static Circles Adaptive

Static Rect to Circle

Static Button

Static Lego

Static Text

Static Truchet Labirint

Dynamic Dots Adaptive
Dynamic Foam
Dynamic Numbers 16
Dynamic Truchet
Dynamic Colored Lines
Static Color Circles

Dynamic Stretch
Static Color Lines

Static Magnification Sphere

Reveal animation
Animate reveal with Rows Delay, Randomization and Offset Ramp.

Animate Cells and Tile Texture with random offset.