
Base Noise

In this section Noise Type can be selected and adjusted. Also Noise can be masked with Layer (Solid Layer, Text or Precomp).

Colorize Noise

In this section you can choose one of four Colorize Modes: Gradient, Gradient from Layer, Reflection from Layer or Refraction from Layer. Also Gradient Offset, Scale and Randomization controls.


This section for drawing isolines. You can set count and width of the lines. Adjust gradient colors and randomize all parameters.

Lines Alpha Noise

Make contours opens by Noise Threshold. Noise can be randomized for each isoline.

Base Noise

In this section you can set noise and custom maps from layers.

Noise Type

There a four types of noise available: Fluid, Voronoi, Smoke and Worley.

Noise Contrast

Determines brightest point of generated noise.

Noise Brightness

Determines darkest point of the noise.


Offset noise in X and Y direction.

Evolution / Loop Evolution

Animate noise with Evolution. Noise can be looped with Loop checkbox.


Complexity of the Noise. It can add or remove details in noise.


Speed of noise evolution.


Noise Scale. Can be uniform.

Layer Multiplier

Value for Layer Multiply.

Layer Multiply

This layer is multiplied with noise to control noise amplitude in each pixel. For masking noise.

Layer Lightness Invert

Inverts layer brightness to invert masking.

Layer Add

This layer can set map as a base for a noise.


This section determines how noise can be colorized.

Draw Noise

Turn on or off drawing noise.

Colorize Mode

There are four Colorize Modes: Gradient, Gradient from Layer, Reflection from Layer and Refraction from Layer.

Noise Gradient

Double click on control adds Color Point. Double click on Color Points hadle to chose the color. Click and drag on handle to move the Color Point. To remove the Color Point click and drag mouse down. Ctrl+Click on hadle changes interpolation mode for this handle.

Alpha Treshold

This control can cut aplha if base map has Aplha channel.

Layer Gradient

Specify layer with gradient for Gradient from Layer Mode. Or map for Reflection or Refraction in corresponding Modes.

Noise Gradient Offset

Offset Gradient by noise height value for Gradient and Gradient from Layer Modes.

Noise Gradient Scale

Scales Gradient by noise height value for Gradient and Gradient from Layer Modes.

Noise Gradient Scale Base

Point to scale Gradient from.

Noise Gradient Loop

To make offset Gradient seamless looped.

Gradient Randomize Amplitude

Randomize Gradient value.

Gradient Randomize Frequency

Freaquency of noise for Gradient randomization.

Reflection Scale

This parameter affects in Reflection and Refraction mode.


Draws isolines over generated noise as height with given steps, gradient and a lot of randomize and animation features.

Draw Lines

Turn on or off drawing lines.

Lines Blend Mode

Blend lines with noise can be: Normal, Add or Multiply.

Lines Count

Count of isolines to draw.

Lines Width

Width of isolines in pixels.

Lines Offset

Offset by the noise height to draw isolines.

Offset Loop

To make offset seampless looped.

Lines Gradient

Double click on control adds Color Point. Double click on Color Points hadle to chose the color. Click and drag on handle to move the Color Point. To remove the Color Point click and drag mouse down. Ctrl+Click on hadle changes interpolation mode for this handle.

Lines Gradient Offset

Offset Gradient by noise height value.

Lines Gradient Scale

Scale Gradient by noise height value.

Lines Gradient Scale Base

Point to scale Gradient from.

Lines Gradient Loop

To make gradient offset seampless looped.

Lines Alpha

Opacity of the isolines.

Lines Randomize

Randomize offset for each line.

Width Randomize

Randomize width for each line.

Gradient Randomize

Randomize gradient offset for each line.

Random Seed

Sets unique random sequence.

Lines Alpha

Make contours opens by Noise Threshold. Noise can be randomized for each isoline.

Alpha Noise Type

There a four types of noise available: Fluid, Voronoi, Smoke and Worley.

Lines Alpha Treshold

Value to threshold alpha from noise value.

Alpha Noise Offset

Offset noise in X and Y direction.

Alpha Noise Evolution

Animate noise with Evolution.

Alpha Noise Loop Evolution

Noise animation can be looped with Loop checkbox.

Alpha Noise Complexity

Complexity of the Noise. It can add or remove details in noise.

Alpha Noise Speed

Speed of noise evolution.

Alpha Noise Scale

Noise Scale. Can be uniform.

Alpha Randomize

Randomize noise evolution and offset for each line.