MosaicArt Documentation



MosaicArt is an After Effects plugin. Its Advanced mosaic filter allows splitting images to grid and unite neighborhood cells with close color values into bigger cells. Each cell can be texturised with any layer or composition or special modes. Each cell can be transformed. Textures inside the cells also can be transformed.

MosaicArt Effeсt can be applied to Image layers, Video Layers, Solid Layers, Text Layers, Shape Layers or Compositions.


Base Size - minimal size of the cell.

Unite Tiles Iterations - each iteration analyzes neighborhood cells by color to find similar and merge into bigger cells.

Unite Tiles Threshold - possible difference beetwen colours to unite cells.

Base Grid

Base Grid Pivot - center point of the grid.

Base Grid ScaleX - scale grid by width.

Base Grid ScaleY - scale grid by height.

Base Grid Rotation - angle of main grid.

Cell Transform

Cell Scale Value - common scale value for all cells.

Cell Scale Source Factor - this parameter takes base image lightness in the current cell and combines it with common scale value.

Cell Scale Randomize Factor - randomize cells scale.

Cell Scale Randomize Seed - random seed.

Cell Scale Layer - layer to scale cells.

Cell Scale Layer Factor - muliplies to Layer Scale.

Cell Offset With Ramp

Ramp allows non-linear offset animation for cells. Delay for rows and Randomize parameters

Direction - direction of offset.

Factor - maximum offset over ramp.

Ramp - ramp for offset.

Animate - animation value.

Rows Delay - delay for rows.

Randomize Factor - randomize delay.

Randomize Seed - seed for random.

Tile Type: Texture

In this mode if a layer is assigned, Mosaic can be textured with any image or composition.

Tile Texture Layer - layer to use as a tiles texture.

Tile Texture Type - Current Frame or Timeline.

Tile Blend Mode - Multiply or Normal.
In Multiply mode color of cell is mulipled by a texture.
In Normal mode color of cell is ignored.

Timeline mode parameters

In this mode all frames from selected image layer or composition can be used to texture mosaic. Index is frame number.

Tile Index Source Factor - frames distribution by source image lightness.

Tile Index Offset - can be used to animate frames inside cells.

Tile Index Randomize - randomize frame index.

Tile Index Randomize Seed - seed for a random function.

Tile Type: Color Circle

In this mode mosaic textured with generated circles pattern. Colors for the circles are taken from the Color Wheel.

Color Circle Colors Count - colors count to be generated from cell color.

Color Circle Max Offset - Max offset on the Color Wheel to generate additional colors.

Color Circle Invert Colors Mode - Allows to switch to inverted or checkmate inverted mode. Inverted mode changes color circles order.

Color Circle Noise - allows to distort Circles.

Color Circle Noise Amplitude - maximum amplitude of noise to distort shape.

Color Circle Noise Scale - allows to add or remove details in distortion.

Color Circle Noise Offset - allows to offset noise in both directions.

Color Circle Noise Evolution - allows to animate noise.

Tile Texture Transform

In this section texture can be transformed: offsetted, scaled, rotated and shuttered.

Tile Offset X and Tile Offset Y

Tile Offset X(Y) Value - moves texture in horizontal (vertical) direction with same value for each cell.

Tile Offset X(Y) Source Factor - moves texture in horizontal (vertical) direction but value for movement multiplied with base image brightness for each cell.

Tile Offset X(Y) Randomize Factor - randomize texture offset for each cell.

Tile Offset X (Y) Randomize Seed - seed number used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator for random.

Tile Offset X (Y) Layer - allows to use any layer to offset based on layer brightness.

Tile Offset X (Y) Layer Factor - this value is multiplied with layer brightness.

Tile Rotation

Tile Rotation Offset - value to rotate texture in each cell.

Tile Rotation Source Factor - rotation value of textures in each cell depends on base cell brightness.

Tile Rotation Randomize Factor - randomize rotation of texture for each cell.

Tile Rotation Randomize Seed - seed number used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator for random.

Tile Rotation Layer - the layer used to rotate each cell texture.

Tile Rotation Layer Factor - this value is multiplied with layer brightness.

Tile Rotation Odd Cols Offset - value rotates only odd cols.

Tile Rotation Odd Rows Offset - value rotates only odd rows.

Tile Rotation Truchet - in this mode all cell textures are rotated randomly at four angles: 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees.

Affect Offset Direction - if turned on offset follows rotation angle.

Tile Rotation Truchet Rand Seed - number used to generate pseudo random angles.

Tile Loop

Tile Loop X - make the texture seamless looped in X direction.

Tile Loop Y - make the texture seamless looped in Y direction.

Tile Shutter

Can be used to animate reveal or out for cells with shutter.

Tile Shutter Angle - angle of shutter plate.

Tile Shutter Source Factor - angle of shutter based on cell base brightness.

Tile Shutter Angle Randomize - randomize of shutter angle.

Tile Shutter Amount - value to shutter cells.

Render Settings

Anti-Aliasing - turn on technique that smooths out the edges.

Blend Mode - allows you to choose Normal or Add blending mode.

How It Works

1For example create a base composition with HD resolution.

2Put inside this composition image, video or any supported layer.

3With this layer selected click right mouse button. Effects -> irrealix -> MosaicArt

4Next you need tile texture. Put tile image or composition on timeline.
You can use any image, video or composition. It is recomended to use small sizes images. 100x100 pixels will be enought. If your tile images has bigger size, create a new composition with size 100 by 100 pixels and put your tile image inside this comp and fit with scale.

5In MosaicArt parameters unroll Tile Texture. In Tile Texture Layer choose layer with your tile texture.

To allow plugin unite neigbour cells set Unite Tiles Iterations to 3 for example.

6Adjust Base Size, try smaller and bigger values.

7If your Tile Texture Comp has animation you can distribute these frames over mosaic by lightness of base layer. Set Tile Texture Type to Timeline.